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Re: [egit-dev] EGit 3.0 in Kepler?

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 4:40 PM, David M Williams <david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi EGit Team,

According to the plans I've seen, you'll be contributing EGit 3.0 to Kepler, right?
I'm assuming you'll contribute that version to M7 ... which is coming up soon! Right? Seems RC1 is very late to introduce a major release.

I plan to tag a version 3.0-m7 and contribute that to M7 
I'm curious if you'll have a "milestone" site for this M7 update? Or .... what? I'm asking partially because a) its good for Sim. release to have a "relatively persistent site" to pull things from, but also b) we in the Platform have a "releng tool" that can be used to aide updating copyright's based on Git repo ... like our previous one based on CVS. So, seems after M7 some teams may start to use that and wondering if any early "rampdown" versions will be available for us to use as a pre-req in our builds? Or if we should continue to use the "released" site for M7 and update later. Even then, if done later, I'm not very comfortable getting pre-reqs from a site called "nightly" ... not sure how you all define that, but seems like it'd be less stable and less tested than a milestone site.

So ... just thought I'd ask how you operate, to help with our decisions. 

I'll create a corresponding milestone site and publish that under

with <version> for

M7 : 3.0.0.<timestamp>-m7
RC1 : 3.0.0.<timestamp>-rc1

does that look good ?


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