On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 13:48, Matthias Sohn
matthias.sohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 2011/12/16 Tomasz Zarna <
>> Hi there,
>> I wanted to respin
https://hudson.eclipse.org/sandbox/job/egit.gerrit/2165/ so I followed
>> steps from
>> but received "tzarna is missing the ManualTrigger permission" message.
>> Who should I talk to in order to get the permission?
> send me your user id then I can grant this privilege.
> But for this change retriggering won't help since currently we only
> have one CI build which at the moment looks at the stable-1.2
> branch until we release that mid of next week.
> The EGit verification build jobs verifying changes
> uploaded for review compile against the latest JGit nightly
> which is stable-1.2 at the moment. Hence verification builds
> for the EGit master branch are currently switched off (I fixed
> the configuration a bit too late so change 2165 got a -1
> from Hudson since EGit master wants JGit 1.3-SNAPSHOT).
> I could fix that but then I would have to maintain 2 more build
> jobs. Let me know if you want this to be fixed or if it's ok for you
> to wait until we release 1.2 mid of next week.