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Re: [ee4j-pmc] Renaming


My personal opinion is that the PMC is too biased around products, in
particular around GlassFish. A PMC for a cross-vendor standard should not
have to care for one particular product. This decision would have been
different if the PMC would have consisted of non-GlassFish-related people,
or if GlassFish would not be an Eclipse product. I assume that nobody would
actually discuss delaying JAX-RS for the sake of any Third Party
implementation demanding any particular technology support if GlassFish
doesn't need that technology.


-----Original Message-----
From: ee4j-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ee4j-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of David Blevins
Sent: Samstag, 6. April 2019 00:22
To: EE4J PMC Discussions
Subject: Re: [ee4j-pmc] Renaming

> On Apr 5, 2019, at 10:52 AM, Markus KARG <markus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm very much +1 for splitting up into Jakarta EE (= only APIs, TCKs,
Specs) and EE4J (= only products like Jersey) to clearly tell third party
vendors that Jakarta is open for them and there is no preference for Eclipse
products. Whether there is time for that or not. It is simply inauthentic
for market competitors that e. g. Jersey will not be preferred as long as it
stays under the same PMC than JAX-RS, and the long artificial delay we had
with JAX-RS due to particularly Jersey requests in the recent GlassFish
release proofs that I am right. Standards MUST be independent or they are
not really norms but just default choices!

I was one of the minority PMC members who felt splitting sooner rather than
later was better.

I see the coming Jakarta EE and GlassFish releases not as a reason to delay,
but as a reason we should do it now.  A couple motivators in my eyes:

 - Major releases are opportunities to exercise PMC health.  We'll lose the
opportunity to exercise the two future PMCs if we wait and another
opportunity won't come for quite a while.

 - The people in the EE4J PMC are overworked and have too many
responsibilities.  I think GlassFish is under served and deserves more
dedicated people who have vested interest in it.

 - We could potentially double the hands who can help.  I see it as time
spent to go faster.

The middle reason is the primary reason people do not want to do it now.  I
personally would rather see it done right and would be ok with potential
delays.  I think, however, eliminating the bottleneck could just as likely
improve our speed and get us to releases faster.


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