As I recently proposed on the spec committee call, coming up with new names does give us the opportunity to simplify the existing names and make them more consistent.
We now have names like:
Concurrency Utilities for Java EE
Java EE Security API
Java API for JSON processing
Java API for WebSocket
Java Persistence API
Bean Validation
It's actually quite inconsistent when you take a good look at it. Some start with "Java API" and then have some tech name after it. Others have the tech name in the middle. Some don't have API in them at all. Why for instance is WebSocket a "Java API", but Bean Validation is just Bean Validation? Why is Concurrency a "Utilities" and not an "API"? Why does Security have Java EE in front of it, but Concurrency has if after it, etc etc
One proposal we could do is to make those names consistent, and as short as possible. That might make the need for abbreviations a moot point as well. As I mentioned on the call and talked about in person with Ivar, nobody ever abbreviates say "Spring Security" to SS or SSe or something.
An example for the above could be:
Jakarta Concurrency
Jakarta Security
Jakarta JSON-P
Jakarta WebScoket
Jakarta Persistence
Jakarta Validation
Kind regards,