Auto-generated files (at least in Germany) do not fulfil any criteria needed to be copyrighted at all, as machines cannot hold copyright. Hence (at least in Germany) it must be "2".
I would say "1" sounds like the reasonable answer, but there may be some rules that I am not aware of...
The Jakarta EL Reference Implementation has a JavaCC grammar for EL that
is licensed under the standard license:
EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
This grammar is then used as an input to JavaCC which generates a Java
parser for EL that consists of a handful of Java files.
A question has arisen as to what license header should be applied to the
generated files.
Is it:
1. The standard license?
2. No license (because they are auto-generated)?
3. Something else?
I'm expecting the answer to either be "1" or "1 or 2 but we recommend 1".
Currently, "1" is being used.
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