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Re: [ee4j-pmc] git release tags

I think the issue with that method is that the new tag will be a tag of the old tag rather than the commit of the old tag (see

To get around this I just created a tag with a reference to the same commit as the old tag by doing the following:

git tag -a new_tag commit -a -m 'tag message'

git tag -d old_tag

git push origin :old_tag
git push origin new_tag

Looking at that stackoverflow post it does seem like the other option is to use:

git tag -a new_tag old_tag^{} -m 'tag message'

git tag -d old_tag

git push origin :old_tag
git push origin new_tag

Where old_tag^{} will ensure the new tag has tagged the commit of the old tag rather than the old tag itself.

On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 3:01 PM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Of course that should be "git tag -a ..." to make sure you're creating an annotated tag, as we previously agreed.

Dmitry Kornilov wrote on 11/28/18 12:44 PM:
Yes, you can rename tags by deleting the old tag and creating a new one pointing on the same commit. Never tried it, but expect that something like this will work:

git tag new_tag old_tag
git tag -d old_tag
git push origin :old_tag
git push origin new_tag

— Dmitry

On 28 Nov 2018, at 22:31, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I believe you can create a git tag for an arbitrary commit, so you should be able to create the needed tags and push them.  I don't know whether it would be appropriate or possible to remove the "wrong" tags.

This shouldn't effect the Maven release.

Jim Krueger wrote on 11/28/18 11:25 AM:
I unfortunately did not make not of this until after I had finalized the release for the jakartaee-stable projects (enterprise-deployment, jax-rpc-api, jaxr-api, and management-api).  Is there anything I can to to correct this now or is it a done deal?


On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 6:09 PM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
When we discussed this recently the consensus was that release tags
should be git annotated tags that use the release number as the tag
name.  (Yes, Markus, this is just a recommendation, not a requirement.)

I decided to see if people are following the recommendation.  There
haven't been many GitHub releases created yet, but there are a lot of
tags, quite a few of which don't follow the recommendation.  The most
common divergence by far is to follow the release number with "-RELEASE".
This is probably intended to match the pattern "-M1" and "-RC1" for
milestone and release candidate releases.

Do we want to suggest that adding "-RELEASE" to the release number is
also acceptable?  Or do we want to recommend that people stop doing this
and just use the plain release number as the tag name?

Also, if someone knows how to tell if a git tag is an annotated tag or not,
please let me know.

FYI, the only GitHub releases I found were for yasson, jaf, and javamail.

Here's the tags I found, ignoring the -M and -RC tags:

common-annotations-api: 1.3.3-RELEASE bad release name
common-annotations-api: 1.3.4-RELEASE bad release name
concurrency-api: 1.1.1-RELEASE bad release name
concurrency-ri: 1.1.1-RELEASE bad release name
eclipselink: 1.0.0 ok
eclipselink: 1.0.1 ok
eclipselink: 1.0.2 ok
eclipselink: 1.1.0 ok
eclipselink: 1.1.1 ok
eclipselink: 1.1.2 ok
eclipselink: 1.1.3 ok
eclipselink: 1.1.4 ok
eclipselink: 1.2.0 ok
eclipselink: 2.0.0 ok
eclipselink: 2.0.1 ok
eclipselink: 2.0.2 ok
eclipselink: 2.1.0 ok
eclipselink: 2.1.1 ok
eclipselink: 2.1.1-2.1.1 bad release name
eclipselink: 2.1.2 ok
eclipselink: 2.1.3 ok
eclipselink: 2.2.0 ok
eclipselink: 2.2.1 ok
eclipselink: 2.3.0 ok
eclipselink: 2.3.1 ok
eclipselink: 2.3.2 ok
eclipselink: 2.3.3 ok
eclipselink: 2.4.0 ok
eclipselink: 2.4.1 ok
eclipselink: 2.4.1-release bad release name
eclipselink: 2.4.2 ok
eclipselink: 2.5.0 ok
eclipselink: 2.5.1 ok
eclipselink: 2.5.2 ok
eclipselink: 2.6.0 ok
eclipselink: 2.6.0_WAS bad release name
eclipselink: 2.6.1 ok
eclipselink: 2.6.1_WAS bad release name
eclipselink: 2.6.2 ok
eclipselink: 2.6.2_WAS bad release name
eclipselink: 2.6.3 ok
eclipselink: 2.6.3_WAS bad release name
eclipselink: 2.6.4 ok
eclipselink: 2.6.5 ok
eclipselink: 2.7.0 ok
eclipselink: 2.7.1 ok
eclipselink: 2.7.2 ok
eclipselink: 2.7.3 ok
eclipselink: bug13651722 bad release name
eclipselink-oracleddlparser: IOT bad release name
eclipselink-workbench: 2.0.0 ok
eclipselink-workbench: 2.1.0 ok
eclipselink-workbench: 2.2.0 ok
eclipselink-workbench: 2.3.0 ok
eclipselink-workbench: 2.4.0 ok
eclipselink-workbench: 2.6.0 ok
eclipselink-workbench: 2.6.0_WAS bad release name
eclipselink-workbench: 2.7.0 ok
eclipselink-workbench: 2.7.1 ok
ee4j: 1.0.1 ok
ee4j: 1.0.2 ok
ee4j: 1.0.3 ok
ee4j: 1.0.4 ok
ee4j: 1.0.5 ok
ejb-api: 3.2.3-RELEASE bad release name
el-ri: 3.0.2-RELEASE bad release name
enterprise-deployment: 1.7.1-RELEASE bad release name
enterprise-deployment: 1.8-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-fighterfish: MODULE--OSGI-CDI--1.0.6-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-fighterfish: MODULE--OSGI-CDI-API--1.0.2-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-fighterfish: MODULE--OSGI-EE-RESOURCES--2.0.2-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-fighterfish: MODULE--OSGI-EJB-CONTAINER--1.0.5-RELEASE bad release nam
glassfish-fighterfish: MODULE--OSGI-HTTP--1.0.8-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-fighterfish: MODULE--OSGI-JAVAEE-BASE--1.0.9-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-fighterfish: MODULE--OSGI-JDBC--1.0.3-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-fighterfish: MODULE--OSGI-JPA--1.0.4-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-fighterfish: MODULE--OSGI-JPA-EXTENSION--1.0.4-RELEASE bad release nam
glassfish-fighterfish: MODULE--OSGI-JTA--1.0.3-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-fighterfish: MODULE--OSGI-WEB-CONTAINER--2.0.2-RELEASE bad release nam
glassfish-fighterfish: MODULE--PARENT-POM--1.0.7-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-ha-api: 3.1.12-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-hk2: 2.5.0-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-hk2: 2.5.0-b63-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-hk2-extra: 1.0.3-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-jsftemplating: 2.1.4-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-logging-annotation-processor: 1.9-RELEASE bad release name
glassfish-shoal: 1.6.53-RELEASE bad release name
grizzly: 2.4.4-RELEASE bad release name
grizzly-npn: 1.9-RELEASE bad release name
grizzly-thrift: grizzly-thrift-1.3.14 bad release name
interceptor-api: 1.2.3-RELEASE bad release name
jacc: 1.6.1-RELEASE bad release name
jacc: 1.7-RELEASE bad release name
jaf: 1.2.1 ok
jaspic: 1.1.2-RELEASE bad release name
javamail: 1.6.3 ok
jax-rpc-api: 1.1.3-RELEASE bad release name
jax-rpc-ri: 1.1.5-RELEASE bad release name
jax-ws-api: 2.3.2-RELEASE bad release name
jaxb-api: 2.3.2-RELEASE bad release name
jaxb-dtd-parser: 1.4.1-RELEASE bad release name
jaxb-dtd-parser: 1.5.0-RELEASE bad release name
jaxb-fi: 1.2.16-RELEASE bad release name
jaxb-fi: 1.2.16-a01-RELEASE bad release name
jaxb-istack-commons: 3.0.8-RELEASE bad release name
jaxb-ri: 2.3.2-CodeModel-RELEASE bad release name
jaxb-ri: 2.3.2-External-RELEASE bad release name
jaxb-ri: 2.3.2-RELEASE bad release name
jaxb-ri: 2.4.0-RELEASE bad release name
jaxb-ri: codemodel-2.3.2-RELEASE bad release name
jaxb-stax-ex: 1.8.1-RELEASE bad release name
jaxb-stax-ex: 1.9.0-RELEASE bad release name
jaxr-api: 1.0.9-RELEASE bad release name
jaxrs-api: 2.1.1 ok
jaxrs-api: 2.1.2 ok
jaxrs-api: 2.1.3 ok
jca-api: 1.7.2-RELEASE bad release name
jms-api: 2.0.1-RELEASE bad release name
jms-api: 2.0.2-RELEASE bad release name
jpa-api: 2.2.1-RELEASE bad release name
jpa-api: 2.2.2-RELEASE bad release name
jsonb-api: 1.0.1-RELEASE bad release name
jsonp: 1.1.3 ok
jsonp: 1.1.3-RELEASE bad release name
jsonp: 1.1.4-RELEASE bad release name
jsonp: 1.1.5-RELEASE bad release name
jsp-api: 2.3.4-RELEASE bad release name
jstl-api: 1.2.3-RELEASE bad release name
jta-api: 1.3.1-RELEASE bad release name
jws-api: 1.1.1-RELEASE bad release name
management-api: 1.1.3-RELEASE bad release name
metro-jax-ws: 2.3.2-RELEASE bad release name
metro-mimepull: 1.9.11-RELEASE bad release name
metro-package-rename-task: 1.5.2-RELEASE bad release name
metro-policy: 2.7.6-RELEASE bad release name
metro-policy: 2.8.0-RELEASE bad release name
metro-saaj: 1.5.1-RELEASE bad release name
metro-ws-test-harness: 2.3.2-RELEASE bad release name
metro-ws-test-harness: 2.4.0-RELEASE bad release name
metro-xmlstreambuffer: 1.5.7-RELEASE bad release name
mojarra: ok
mojarra: 2.3.9-RELEASE bad release name
openmq: 5.1.3-RELEASE bad release name
orb-gmbal-commons: 3.2.1-RELEASE bad release name
orb-gmbal-pfl: 4.0.1-RELEASE bad release name
saaj-api: 1.4.1-RELEASE bad release name
saaj-api: 1.5.0-RELEASE bad release name
security-api: 1.0.1-RELEASE bad release name
servlet-api: 4.0.2-RELEASE bad release name
soteria: 1.0.1-RELEASE bad release name
tyrus: 1.15-RELEASE bad release name
tyrus: 2.0-RELEASE bad release name
websocket-api: 1.1.1-RELEASE bad release name
yasson: 1.0 ok
yasson: 1.0.2-RELEASE bad release name
yasson: 1.0.3-RELEASE bad release name
yasson: yasson-1.0.1 bad release name
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