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Re: [ee4j-pmc] module names

I understand the concern, and don't disagree, but note that the trademark license will contain lots of other details that we have to get exactly right, such as the list of package names.

Mike Milinkovich wrote on 10/ 8/18 04:10 PM:
On 2018-10-03 11:11 AM, Bill Shannon wrote:
Sadly, yes.

Given that, I don't think that option #3 is a realistic alternative. Even though the module names shouldn't change, it means that if we get anything incorrect or fail to foresee a case where a java.* module name is required in the future we would have to negotiate an amendment to the legal agreement. Please don't do that.

Raymond Auge wrote on 10/3/18 6:58 AM:
Bill, just clarifying but, #3 means that every single java.* name would have to be predefined, i.e. hard coded, into the license?


Mike Milinkovich

Executive Director | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.



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