Hi all,
Apologies for not commenting on the doc earlier! Some quick thoughts (my own, other LJC members have commented individually):
Is it possible to get suggestions mode switched back on? I'd just like to suggest a bunch of grammatical changes, I suspect the merge of various suggestions have created a few bits of awkward phrasing. I'd also like to add some structure to it in the form of headings and a TOC.
Open for Innovation
I like this and combined with a robust deprecation capability means that if a latest and greatest innovation ends up being short lived then it can be gracefully retired.
Splitting the TCK
I like this as well but would also like to see a statement that an objective should be to make the running onf a TCK and checking results consistent. That is, I would like to be able to go to any sub project and run something like mvn clean test -Ptck and view an XML/HTML report at the end (or whatever format is deemed useful.
I've started a new initiative with the Maven folks and Ray Tsang from Google to start data mining Maven central and see how the ecosystem is embracing JPMS. I think adding the automatic module name is a no brainer but care will need to be taken that when embracing the module system that the resulting implementations / specs can be used both on the module path and classpath. This is easier said than done.
There's a few Maven plugins AdoptOpenJDK have been working on (jdeps, jdeprscan, jsplitpkgcan) to help alleviate this.
I'm looking for more volunteers for these various projects!
I'm OK with this, yes some folks will argue that Gradle is technically superior, but Maven encourages a std "I don't have to think" behaviour.
Deprecation, Soft Dependencies, CDI and Config
loose coupling and graceful deprecation are good things :-). CDI and Config seem sensible mechanisms to achieve that.
Release Cadence
The wording here is quite confusing, I think a reworking of this with a sample table outlying how this would work will be helpful (I'm happy to do this).