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Re: [ee4j-pmc] Latest round of project creations

Good question.

Note that we are in the process of replacing this entire implementation with a new system that's more modern and less clunky. Unfortunately, the full roll out has been delayed.

"Received NCRF" means that the system has received a New Committer Request Form. This is a bit of an historical term that means that the committer provisioning process has been started. Any committer in this state has not engaged in the process yet.

"Received NCRF; individual; received ICQ; waiting for ICA" means that the committer has completed the "Committer Questionnaire" and has indicated that they are an "Individual Committer" (meaning that they do not work for an Eclipse Foundation Member Company) and that we are waiting for them to send emo-records an Individual Committer Agreement (ICA). It will stay in this state until after the EMO Records team notes their receipt.

"Sent to webmaster for provisioning" means that we have everything that we need from the committer and a request has been added to the webmaster's queue to set up the necessary permissions.

If you see "Already a committer on one or more projects.", then that individual is already a committer and so should already have the necessary paperwork in place. The EMO Records team normally takes care of these ones first.

There are some other states, but we usually move through those ones pretty quickly so you should rarely see them.



On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 9:16 AM, Kevin Sutter <sutter@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
By looking at the portal, how can we determine if we to do some follow-up (per your committer paperwork follow-up comment below).  If I look at the entries for all of the outstanding committers, most of them have this type of status...

Candidate: Xxxxx Yyyyyy
Vote summary: 0/0/0 with 0 not voting
Voting successful.
PMC approved.
VCS package information.
Processing candidate paperwork.*
Received NCRF

* If you have provided all requested paperwork (see "New Committer Request Form" email), please allow 5 to 7 business days for processing (we're semi-automated but not fully robotic). If you have not submitted your paperwork, please do so.

You indicate that we should check the "who's involved" page...  For each project?  Since we have so many projects and so many initial committers, is there an easier way for us to see the status of all of these initial committer requests?  Thanks!

Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Java EE architect
e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    

From:        Wayne Beaton <>
To:        EE4J PMC Discussions <ee4j-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:        03/07/2018 06:16 PM
Subject:        [ee4j-pmc] Latest round of project creations
Sent by:        ee4j-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Greetings EE4J PMC.

The creation reviews for the following projects have been declared successful:
  • Eclipse Project for JavaMail 
  • Eclipse Project for JTA 
  • Eclipse Project for Concurrency Utilities 
  • Eclipse Project for JSON-B 
  • Eclipse Project for Enterprise Security 
  • Eclipse Soteria 
  • Eclipse Project for Common Annotations 
  • Eclipse Project for JSTL
  • Eclipse Project for _expression_ Language 
I will kick off the provisioning process tomorrow AM.

Note that you will not see a change in the status chart yet. I decided that the creation review event wasn't interesting from a project progress point of view; the chart will change as the provisioning process completes for each of these projects.

By request from the project sponsors, I've deferred the creation reviews for the following projects until March 21.
  • Eclipse Project for JAF 
  • Eclipse Project for JAXB 
  • Eclipse Project for JAX-WS 
While I have your attention, we have a bunch of committers listed on the first round of project proposals who have not engaged with the Eclipse Foundation's committer paperwork process. Until we get paperwork from these committers, they will not have the necessary rights to push content into project repositories. A bunch of them haven't even created Eclipse Foundation accounts yet. 

If you notice that somebody who should be a committer that hasn't appeared on project's "Who's Involved" page yet, please connect with them and have them visit

Note that we're implementing some new infrastructure for paperwork processing which will require that all listed committers on a proposal have an Eclipse Foundation account before we can declare a creation review successful. This will only impact future project proposals.



Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects
The Eclipse Foundation_______________________________________________
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Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects
The Eclipse Foundation

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