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Re: [eclipselink-users] How to force EclipseLink to use my own collection instead Java standards?

Em 30/03/2013 15:44, Edson Richter escreveu:

I've created a collection class that implements Map<K, T>.
When I create the object for the first time, everything happens as expected, but once I retrive the object from database (using either find or Query), I'm getting a standard Map implementation instead my customized version.

How can I tell EclipseLink that it must use my specialized version of the collection class?
Current declaration is:

  @ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@CollectionTable(name = "anexo", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "cadastroprofissional_id"))
  @MapKeyColumn(name = "tipo")
  public Map<String, Anexo> getAnexo() {
    if(anexo==null) {
      anexo = new AutoMap<String, Anexo>(String.class, Anexo.class);

    return anexo;

Where AutoMap is my specialized Map class.


eclipselink-users mailing list

I've just found a workaround: If not my specialized collection, then I do change the type whenever I call getAnexo() before returning.
Method became:

  @ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@CollectionTable(name = "anexo", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "cadastroprofissional_id"))
  @MapKeyColumn(name = "tipo")
  public Map<String, Anexo> getAnexo() {
    if(anexo==null || !(anexo instanceof AutoMap)) {
      anexo = new AutoMap<String, Anexo>(String.class, Anexo.class, anexo);

    return anexo;

These are not big bloated objects, I can deal with the encapsulation process without any penalty.



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