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[eclipselink-users] JAXB having problems marshaling entity due to weaving-related class

Good morning; we're getting the following exception when one of our EclipseLink-woven entities is being marshaled by JAXB:

org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface is an interface, and JAXB can't handle interfaces.

                this problem is related to the following location:

                                at org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface

                                at protected org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface

I am deeply and unfortunately familiar :-) with the fact that JAXB can't deal with interfaces, so I understand the error from that end of things.

But I don't know how to work around this issue.  The mighty Google produces exactly one result (!) that is similar to mine:

In our case we are not using EclipseLink annotations at all--straight JPA.

Is this what happens when lazy-loaded fields bump into JAXB marshaling?


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