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[eclipselink-users] MOXy JAXB Eclipselink Workbench - wrong unmarshall

Title: MOXy JAXB Eclipselink Workbench - wrong unmarshall

can you please help me to understand what's wrong in my simple unmarshall example?

Libraries used:
- jdk 1.5.0_16
- EclipseLink 2.2.0
- javax.xml.stream_1.0.1
- javax.xml.bind_2.2.0

Xml file:

java classes (getter and setter are here hidden):
public class PaymentInf {
        private String id;
        private String service;
        private BigDecimal amount;
        private Date date;
        private Creditor creditor;

public class Creditor {
        private String firstName;
        private String lastName;
        private String id;

Test code:
JAXBContext context = JAXBContextFactory.createContext("payment", getClass().getClassLoader());
InputStream payment = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("payment.xml");
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
PaymentInf pmt = (PaymentInf) unmarshaller.unmarshal(payment);

It works properly only if i map all xml fields and only if <id> tag is not duplicated (i have to change service id tag to idserv and creditorFrstName id tag to idcred).

If i didn't map the <service> tag and <id> field is duplicated then:
- amount is null
- date is null
- id is null
- service is null
- creditor firstName is properly unmarshalled
- creditor lastName is properly unmarshalled
- creditor id is "frstIdfrstId" (duplicated)

If i didn't map the <service> tag and <id> field is not duplicated then:
- amount is null
- date is null
- id is properly unmarshalled
- service is null
- creditor firstName is properly unmarshalled
- creditor lastName is properly unmarshalled
- creditor id is is properly unmarshalled

What is wrong?

Thank you for your attention,

p.s. Here the xml mapping generated by Eclipselink Workbench used in the test:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<object-persistence xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:eclipselink="" version="Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.1.2.v20101206-r8635">

      <class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="xml-class-mapping-descriptor">
            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-composite-object-mapping">
               <field name="." xsi:type="node"/>
            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">
               <field name="id/text()" xsi:type="node"/>
               <null-policy xsi:type="null-policy">
            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">
               <field name="PmtInf/service/id/text()" xsi:type="node"/>
               <null-policy xsi:type="null-policy">
            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">
               <field name="PmtInf/amount/val/text()" xsi:type="node"/>
               <null-policy xsi:type="null-policy">
            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">
               <field name="PmtInf/date/text()" xsi:type="node">
               <null-policy xsi:type="null-policy">
         <copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy"/>
         <default-root-element-field name="PaymentInf"/>

      <class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="xml-class-mapping-descriptor">
            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">
               <field name="CreditorFrstName/cd/text()" xsi:type="node"/>
               <null-policy xsi:type="null-policy">
            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">
               <field name="CreditorFrstName/id/text()" xsi:type="node"/>
               <null-policy xsi:type="null-policy">
            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">
               <field name="CreditorLstName/cd/text()" xsi:type="node"/>
               <null-policy xsi:type="null-policy">
         <copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy"/>

   <login xsi:type="xml-login">

Here is session.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sessions xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" version="2.1.2">
   <session xsi:type="database-session">
      <logging xsi:type="eclipselink-log"/>
      <primary-project xsi:type="xml">mapping.xml</primary-project>
      <login xsi:type="xml-login">
         <document-preservation-policy xsi:type="no-document-preservation-policy">
            <node-ordering-policy xsi:type="append-new-elements-ordering-policy"/>

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