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[eclipselink-users] Re: Attempted to upgrade to Eclipselink 2.0 & Spring 3.0 and failed today!

Just to update this thread. I did end up getting eclipselink 2.0 to work with spring 2.5.5, but I had to change to static weaving. I haven't tried yet with spring 3, but I suspect it will work fine.


On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Tim Hollosy <hollosyt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Anyone have any success doing this?

First I just did eclipselink, I did the new eclipselink 2.0 jar as
well as the new javax persistence jar.

I was getting the wierd _persistence_set stack traces that suggest
weaving all the sudden failed. I know there are all sorts of issues
with lazy weaving and spring right now. This happened on OC4J as well
as Jetty. I then attempted to upgrade from Spring 2.5.5 and that
failed even worse, so I reverted.

Is anyone successfully doing this?


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