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Re: [eclipselink-users] Metamodel generation of orm.xml-definied entities

Hey Frank,
Just wondering how you are able to get it working? I am getting following

"Mapping metadata cannot be applied to properties/methods that take
arguments. The attribute [method addGroup] from class [class UserGroupList]
is in violation of this restriction. Ensure the method has no arguments if
it is mapped with annotations or in an XML mapping file."

I have class userGroupList which is an entity with access type set to
"Field" not "Property", not sure why is it trying to validate methods. I do
have method addGroup in that class but it is just a business method  that
EclipseLink need not worry.

For your reference, this is how I try to generate the metadata information
using Ant:
  <target name="generate-metamodel" >
        <property name="metaPackage" value="metamodel"/>
            <fileset dir="${project.dir}/src"  includes="**/*"/>
       <echo message="generating MetaData "/>
       <javac   srcdir="${project.dir}/src" verbose="true"
              <compilerarg line=" -processor
org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.modelgen.CanonicalModelProcessor" />
              <compilerarg line=" -proc:only" compiler="javac1.6" />			  


I have also tried with the eclipse AnnotationProcessor but getting same
error. Any help is appreciated.


Frank Schwarz wrote:
> It was a stupid configuration mistake on my side. It does work indeed!
> -- Frank
> Frank Schwarz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been playing around with the metamodel-generator a little bit. I
>> was wondering, if the generator is able to generate mm-classes for those
>> entities, that are only defined in a orm.xml descriptor and have
>> otherwise no @Entity annotation. It does not seem to work this way.
>> Is the mm-generator supposed to generate mm-classes for those entities as
>> well? What am I missing?
>> Kind regards,
>> Frank

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