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Re: [eclipselink-users] OneToOne AND ManyToOne Mapping works with FetchType.EAGER but not with FetchType.LAZY -> Exception when deploying (SGES 2.1)

Sorry, I do not understand what I should look for. Can you be a little bit
more specific please?
My model classes are only available in my application (the EAR file),
nowhere else.

I have tried to get a test case, but it seems it isnĀ“t that simple. 

For example:

In my application I have 2 entities A and B that are completely isolated
from all other entities. There is just a OneToOne mapping from entity A to
entity B. There are no additional relationships from or to other entities.
In my application, this OneToOne mapping from A to B requires
FetchType.EAGER to deploy without the exceptions I have already shown.

So, I copied these two entities A and B to a new EJB module and deployed
that module. The module deploys fine, no matter if I chose EAGER or LAZY.

This was not my only test. I have isolated many problematic entites and
their mappings by copying them into a new EJB module. The module always
deployed fine, no matter if I chose EAGER or LAZY.

So, my application as a whole seems to be affected. But this, as I already
said, is only the case when I try to deploy on SGES 2.1. On SJSAS 9.1 Upd 2
my application deploys fine without any exceptions.
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