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Re: [eclipselink-users] [MOXy] post-processing after unmarshalling

Hi Polly,

1. You would want to use the getObject() method to get back your Object. getOriginalObject is used for events like postClone or postMerge where you may want access to the original object. OXM doesn't use any cloning so that OriginalObject wouldn't be set.

2. I believe you would just need to set the event-listener element in your deployment XML.

3. In ORM projects, there's a lot of different descriptor events that get called, but in OXM, currently, only the postBuild event gets raised. The XMLMarshalListener API provides pre and post marshal events, but those would be raised for every object (similar to JAXB event listeners) and not on a per-descriptor basis.


polly.c.chang wrote:
Hi Matt,

This looks great!  I just need a few more clarifications:

1.  In DescriptorEvent, do I use getObject() or getOriginalObject() to get
the object with the unmarshalled data?

2.  It looks like it's possible to use this in the project.xml file using
the <events xsi:type="event-policy"/>  element.  Is that right?  I can see
by the schema to put the name of the event listener class in the
"event-listener" element, but should I also set "post-build-method" element?

3.  Just out of curiosity in case I need this later, do you have another
event callback for marshalling?


Matt MacIvor wrote:
Hi Polly,

You can add a DescriptorEventListener on a given XMLDescriptor's event 
manager (descriptor.getEventManager().addListener(listener)).

For moxy, the only event that's invoked on DescriptorEventListeners is 
the postBuild event, which will be invoked after an object is finished 
being built. From your email, it sounds like that event callback should 
do the trick though.

Hope this helps,


polly.c.chang wrote:


Is there a way for EclipseLink to call a handler to do post-processing
after unmarshalling a certain class?  I found some information in the
documentation about the XMLUnmarshalListener, but it seems to listen to
unmarshal events for everything.  Is there something else that I can
to just one class or one XMLDescriptor?



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