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Re: [eclipselink-dev] 2.6 Release Plan


The issue should be fixed for now.

I'll monitor over the weekend, and see if this is an ongoing issue, or a onetime glitch.


On 2014-04-11, 5:59 AM, Gunnar Wagenknecht wrote:

Yes, Eclipse works fine. It’s Tycho that has issues. If you look into the p2 repository:

$ ..downloads/rt/eclipselink$ cat nightly-updates/compositeContent.xml
     <child location='2.6.0.v20140324-c30debd'/>
     <child location='2.6.0.v20140318-47e68bb‘/>

It contains an entry for ' 2.6.0.v20140318-47e68bb‘ but there is no 2.6.0.v20140318-47e68bb on disc on the Eclipse server.

$ ../downloads/rt/eclipselink$ la nightly-updates
   ...  2. Apr 02:05 2.5.2.v20140402-e6e1220
   ... 24. Mär 01:05 2.6.0.v20140324-c30debd


Am 11.04.2014 um 11:51 schrieb Martin Grebac <martin.grebac@xxxxxxxxxx>:

just tried and getting bits from p2 worked fine for me in Eclipse, so I suggest to retry. Or is it possible something is misconfigured on your end?

On 09/04/14 13:08, Gunnar Wagenknecht wrote:

Thanks for the update.

I followed your recommendation and added the nightly-updates to my target definition. But I am having trouble with using the composite update site. There seems to be stale references in there.

[ERROR] Internal error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to resolve target definition Failed to load p2 metadata repository from location Unable to read repository at No repository found at
  -> [Help 1]
Caused by: Failed to load p2 metadata repository from location
Caused by: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException: Unable to read repository at
Caused by: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException: No repository found at


Am 09.04.2014 um 12:12 schrieb Martin Grebac <martin.grebac@xxxxxxxxxx>:

the page has been updated - please note the dates there are tentative still. We do want to continue publishing milestone builds soon, too, however in the interim there shouldn't be an issue trying out as suggested - using nightlies which are in good shape,

On 08/04/14 12:15, Gunnar Wagenknecht wrote:
Greetings EclipseLink Committers,

What is the plan with regards to the 2.6.0 release? I don’t see any in the project portal.

The last development milestone was published in August. Are there plans to publish new development milestones regularly? I’ve came across a few blog posts and comments which recommend the use of 2.6.0 nightly builds for specific new features.

eclipselink-dev mailing list
Martin Grebac, SW Engineering Manager
Oracle Czech, Prague

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