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[eclipselink-dev] Organizing examples.git

Hi all,

The JPA team has recently created an EclipseLink Examples git repository and I'd like to propose that we do some organizing in there.  Currently it's a one-level directory of examples and I think it would be good to get some structure before we start adding more.

Somthing along the lines of:

    - jpa
    - jpa-rs
    - moxy
    - jpa-moxy
    - jpa-rs-moxy
    - sdo
    - dbws

jpa and moxy would contain jpa-only and moxy-only examples, anything that combined the two would go into one of the "hybrid" directories.

We don't need to add all of these directories now (for example may not provide any SDO examples any time soon) but this demonstrates the hierarchy.


- Rick

Rick Barkhouse | Software Developer, TopLink / EclipseLink | 613.288.4613
Oracle Development
45 O'Connor Street, Suite 400 | Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1A4

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