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Re: [eclipselink-dev] UnitOfWorkConcurrentRevertTest using the same ClientSession in multiple threads

Hi Sabine,

I believe the test is intentionally testing two UOWs acquired from the same client session.


On 12/03/2013 6:21 AM, Heider, Sabine wrote:
Hi all,

we have experienced problems with the UnitOfWorkConcurrentRevertTest on SAP HANA
database. It runs often without problems, but occasionally it hangs until it
times out, leaving locks on the database. I investigated the issue and found out
that the test uses the same ClientSession concurrently from two threads,
resulting in concurrent access of the same JDBC connection (which is something
HANA is rather sensitive to).

Is the test using the same ClientSession on purpose, or is this rather a
mistake? If it’s by mistake, I would fix the test and have the threads use
different client session. Otherwise I would skip the test on the HANAPlatform.

Thanks and best regards,


*Sabine Heider*

*SAP AG *I Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 I 69190 Walldorf I Germany

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