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[eclipselink-dev] Promote HANAPlatform out of incubation - pending patches

Hi Tom, hi all,


The tests against the HANAPlatform in the incubator are all passing now (or based on known and filed bugs). See for details. There is also a bug for the promotion:


We would like to promote the platform out of incubation soon to have it included in the 2.5 release. As a prerequisite, could you please have a look at the open patches I provided and submit them if they are okay? The corresponding bugs are all linked by the bug mentioned above, but here’s also a list of the open ones:


bug 400908

bug 401069

bug 401413

bug 401509

bug 396259

bug 397559


Could you please take care?


Thanks and best regards,



Sabine Heider

SAP AG I Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 I 69190 Walldorf I Germany


Pflichtangaben/Mandatory Disclosure Statements:


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