I'm in the process of refreshing the "org.eclipse.eclipselink.test"
once I have the latest transaction dump incorporated I will refresh
the repo. In the meantime, a clone of the test repo can be created
with the command:
git clone
there are several options for tooling.
you can use commandline, or a gui. several are listed here:
On 04/07/2012 1:57 PM, Peter Krogh wrote:
Hi All,
As you all know, we are getting close to migrating to Git, and we
have schedule, and are starting to work out what this all will
mean.The current plan is that we will start using Git on July
16th. What does this mean? Well, in a perfect world it would
mean that you would do your last SVN checkin on the 13th of July
and then start using Git seamlessly the next monday. I don't
expect that to happen, but we are going to try and make things as
painless as possible.
They are still some unknowns at this point, but what we are going
to try to do at this point is something like this:
NOW - get tools needed for Git development, and start playing
around with our sample repo (Eric can you send info on hwo to
connect to that repo?)
-- http://wiki.eclipse.org/EclipseLink/Development/Process/Git
July 13th - final check ins to SVN. Note - any open TXNS
after friday will have to be checked into GIT.
July 16th - Git repo will be online, and we will likely be
working out kinks for a few days at that point.
I know that some of you have been experimenting with GIT already,
and will be able to help others. Let's try to share knowledge to
make this migration less painful...
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