Hi All,
I am trying to build eclipselink from the trunk in order to resolve this issue:
The solution is ready but I have some trouble with building the project from
Ant build is working now, but it took some time since did not find a document
describing the whole process and the information needed was spread among several
wiki pages.
I have done the following:
checked out eclipselink trunk.
ran an ant build.
copied the contents of the trunk/plugins directory to eclipse/plugins
imported the projects suggested on
Eclipse gave the following error messages:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Project 'eclipselink.core.test' is missing required Java project:
'javax.persistence 2.1.0' eclipselink.core.test Build path Build
Path Problem
Project 'eclipselink.core.test' is missing required Java project:
'javax.xml.bind' eclipselink.core.test Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'eclipselink.jpa.modelgen.
test' is missing required Java project:
'javax.persistence 2.1.0' eclipselink.jpa.modelgen.test Build path
Build Path Problem
Project 'eclipselink.jpa.modelgen.
test' is missing required library:
eclipselink.jpa.modelgen.test Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'eclipselink.jpa.test' is missing required Java project:
'javax.persistence 2.1.0' eclipselink.jpa.test Build path Build
Path Problem
Project 'eclipselink.jpa.test' is missing required Java project:
'javax.xml.bind' eclipselink.jpa.test Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'eclipselink.moxy.test' is missing required Java project:
'javax.activation' eclipselink.moxy.test Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'eclipselink.moxy.test' is missing required Java project:
'javax.mail' eclipselink.moxy.test Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'eclipselink.moxy.test' is missing required Java project:
'javax.xml.bind' eclipselink.moxy.test Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'eclipselink.moxy.test' is missing required Java project:
'javax.xml.stream' eclipselink.moxy.test Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'eclipselink.utils.jaxb' is missing required Java project:
'com.sun.xml.bind' eclipselink.utils.jaxb Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.
modelgen' is missing required Java project:
'javax.persistence 2.1.0' org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.
modelgen Build
path Build Path Problem
Project 'org.eclipse.persistence.moxy.
dynamicxjc' is missing required Java
project: 'com.sun.xml.bind' org.eclipse.persistence.moxy.
Build path Build Path Problem
Project 'org.eclipse.persistence.moxy.
dynamicxjc' is missing required Java
project: 'javax.xml.bind' org.eclipse.persistence.moxy.
Build path Build Path Problem
Unbound classpath variable:
sun.tools.xjc_2.2.0.jar' in project
'eclipselink.utils.jaxb' eclipselink.utils.jaxb Build path Build
Path Problem
Unbound classpath variable:
sun.tools.xjc_2.2.0.jar' in project
dynamicxjc Build path Build Path Problem
Unbound classpath variable: 'JAXRS_LIB' in project 'eclipselink.jpa.test'
eclipselink.jpa.test Build path Build Path Problem
Build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5. There are no JREs installed
in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment.
javax.validation Build path JRE System Library Problem
Build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5. There are no JREs installed
in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment.
jpql Build path JRE System Library Problem
Build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5. There are no JREs installed
in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment.
jpql.test Build path JRE System Library
Build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5. There are no JREs installed
in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment.
osgi Build path JRE System Library Problem
For example javax.persistence is imported, but it has version 2.0.0
Thanks in advance!