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Re: [eclipselink-dev] STUCK Threads + @Transient behaviour

Hi Mejar,

Yes. You can safely upgrade and be supported. The way you should do that is to use the new EclipseLink as a shared library. I'll see if I can find a pointer for a prepackaged download of one, and let you know, but the following blog gives some good instructions about how to create one.


On 09/03/2012 8:58 AM, Singh, Mejar wrote:

Thanks for response !

A has  @OneToMany relation to B. LAZY default as I understand
B has  @ManyToOne relation to A. Eager default as I understand
Will this give problems ?

We run on weblogic 10.3.4 with eclipselink 2.1.2.v20101206-r8635
Can we safely upgrade to 2.3.2 and still be Oracle-supported ?


-----Original Message-----
From: eclipselink-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:eclipselink-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tom Ware
Sent: 9. marts 2012 14:48
To: eclipselink-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [eclipselink-dev] STUCK Threads + @Transient behaviour

EclipseLink handles cyclic relations by default.  The one area where it may be easy to write code with issues is if neither part of the cycle is of FetchType LAZY.

There should be no issue with calling your isExportEntity() and
setExportEntity() methods from an EclipseLink point of view.  You seem to be stuck while commiting a transaction - not simply in our set/is code.

What version of EclipseLink are you on?  If you are not on the latest (2.3.2) I suggest trying that version.


On 09/03/2012 3:32 AM, Singh, Mejar wrote:

I suspect the problem to be related to cyclic relations, any advice on
how to deal with cyclic relations in JPA ?

We have two entites A and B, where B has ManytoOne relation to B - and
in the code we have that we go from A->B and then afterwards from B->A
on the ManytoOne relation



*From:*Singh, Mejar
*Sent:* 8. marts 2012 15:06
*To:* 'eclipselink-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx'
*Subject:* STUCK Threads + @Transient behaviour


We get STUCK threads, so would like to know if a JPA entity with:



public boolean isExportEntity() {

return exportEntity;


when calling:

public void setExportEntity(boolean exportEntity) {

this.exportEntity = exportEntity;


will this entity be locked in the L2 cache if we call setExportEntity ?

our log is:

]", which is more than the configured time (StuckThreadMaxTime) of "600"

seconds. Stack trace:

Thread-2281 "[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '340' for queue:

(self-tuning)'"<alive, suspended, sleeping, priority=1, DAEMON>  {






]", which is more than the configured time (StuckThreadMaxTime) of "600"

seconds. Stack trace:

Thread-2287 "[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '346' for queue:

(self-tuning)'"<alive, suspended, blocked, priority=1, DAEMON>  {

-- Blocked trying to get lock: java.util.Vector@19ddf650[fat
<mailto:java.util.Vector@19ddf650[fat>  lock]




Reproducible: Sometimes

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