Hi Mike,
We’d certainly be interested in having that discussion with Andrew – I suggest we do that separately from our meeting tomorrow though where we plan to review some of the more detailed items related to our Git migration.
We’ll follow up with Andrew and set something up.
From: Mike Milinkovich [mailto:mike.milinkovich@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: February-14-12 10:51 AM
To: Dev mailing list for Eclipse Persistence Services
Cc: Andrew Ross
Subject: Re: [eclipselink-dev] EclipseLink Git migration review meeting
Given that your project is moving to git and Maven, would it perhaps make sense for Andrew Ross to join the meeting and discuss the common build infrastructure that the Eclipse Foundation is putting together?
I’ve set up the following meeting to review the plans for migration of the EclipseLink project to the new Git repository.
Time: Wed Feb 15th, 10:00am (EST)
Location: Ottawa 4048 mtg room
Dial-in: Available on request.
The agenda is to be confirmed but will cover the following:-
- Sign-off on overall Git migration plan and creation of repositories
- Incubator repository structure
- Examples repository structure
- Creation of Maven projects
Please let me know if you would like to attend and I can send you the dial-in details.