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[eclipselink-dev] Manifest-first build proposal meeting


I am wrapping up the proof-of-concept work on generating EclipseLink bundles with a manifest first approach.

To reiterate to work done thus far:
- I have investigated the suitability for automation of several available systems that would allow manifest first OSGi bundle generation (PDEBuild, Athena, Buckminster, Tycho/Maven).

- At this stage the focus has been on Tycho, which is a Maven plugin designed to generate Eclipse OSGi bundles, features and P2 sites.

- On a separate branch and utilizing Maven 3, I have:
   - configured most of our OSGi bundles to build using Tycho, and generate Eclipse style source bundles (exceptions being asm, antlr, javax.persistence, and oracle).
   - modified the existing ant build to call maven to generate the bundles and then proceed with the existing build process (generation of the eclipselink.jar, javadoc, etc)
I will be holding brief meeting on Monday at 2p to discuss the Tycho work and how it will impact our current build system, answer questions, and discuss implementation. Let me know if you plan on attending and need room or dial-in info.

In addition, while doing the Tycho work I was also tasked with determining the feasibility of moving our entire build to Maven. This is not considered as part of the same project nor this release cycle, but it is relevant to also discuss what this would entail and its effects upon the team and EclipseLink community.

Below is the agenda for the meeting:

- Maven/Tycho overview
- Our planned usage
- Planned changes
  - resource dir structure
  - manifest changes
  - build-dependency repo
  - asm/antlr generation.
- Questions
- Maven Adoption
  - what will need to change?
  - pros/cons
- Discussion

Eric Gwin | Senior Software Developer
Phone: +613 288 4622 | | Fax: +613 2382818 | | Mobile: +613 8582347
Oracle Java Server Technologies
ORACLE Canada | 45 O'Connor St., Ottawa, Ontario | K1P 6L2

            Oracle Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the environment

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