The following fix for bug# 323403 is ready for review (this bug
also unblocks bug # 323148 - the tracking bug for the base
Glassfish-JSF classLoader issue)"">
WebLogic minimal JSF EAR reproduction
- Essentially we no longer throw a NPE when we fail to find weaved
methods on LAZY mappings like "_persistence_*_vh" - we now warn and
throw a proper DescriptorException that details the reason why weaving
is failing - instead of throwing a secondary NPE on a null(missing)
method call.
- This bug occurs on certain EE servers including WebLogic and
Glassfish (they both use Glassfish-JSF) when an EAR containing an
injected JTA @PersistenceContext on a SSB on an ejb-jar is referenced
in a non-servlet context like on a JSF managed-bean POJO in a WAR in a
WAR/EJB-jar order.
- The base bug is an issue with how JSF uses EE classLoaders on the
server. Therefore the base workaround for 323148 is to reverse the
order of the ejb.jar and war in the application.xml deployment
descriptor by placing the ejb-jar first so that it will be weaved
before it is referenced during validation in the EM deploy()
Note: The cause of the NPE was a group effort
between Michael O'Brien, Douglas Clarke and Steve Button.
The following open issues benefit from this fix.
Re: [eclipselink-users] OneToOne AND ManyToOne Mapping works
FetchType.EAGER but not with FetchType.LAZY -> Exception when
deploying (SGES
Re: [eclipselink-users] JPA not working inside Equinox but fine
in unit tests
Re: [eclipselink-users] Can't deploy when using LAZY, can deply
when using
Re: [eclipselink-users] NPE when running with option
JPA test suties failed in OSGi with enabled weaving
Regression testing:
Core LRG and JPA LRG are OK
thank you