Resend with bug link now pointing to the right bug.
On 6/7/2010 2:43 PM, Shaun Smith wrote:
SVN 2.1
branch commit: Bug 318922: Enum metadata processing
should not load classes
into 2.2 will happen when the current problems in the
build scripts are resolved.
review: Guy Pelltier
- Changed
EnumeratedMetadata to not load referenced Enum class
and added support for lazy initialization of Enum
class in EnumTypeConverter.

Shaun Smith | Principal Product Manager
Phone: +19055023094
Oracle Server Technologies, Oracle
ORACLE Canada | 110 Matheson Boulevard West, Suite 100,
Mississauga, Ontario | L5R 3P4
Oracle is committed to developing practices and
products that help protect the environment
Shaun Smith | Principal Product Manager
Phone: +19055023094
Oracle Server Technologies, Oracle
ORACLE Canada | 110 Matheson Boulevard West, Suite 100,
Mississauga, Ontario | L5R 3P4
Oracle is committed to developing practices and
products that help protect the environment