Hi Tom,
I am having trouble with the “NetWeaver sever platform” incubator.
I understand that we should keep the NetWeaver server platform specific files in the incubator until the server platform is mature.
Currently, we’ve got two classes in the incubator: SAPNetWeaver_7_1_Platform and SAPNetWeaverTransactionController. I can compile the classes in the incubator against eclipselink.jar. But in order to use them, I have to patch EclipseLink to glue to the
NetWeaver server platform to EclipseLink.
But with the native API support, this becomes a hard circular dependency as I have to introduce NetWeaver-support in the eclipselink-session_2_0.xsd. Also, I have to introduce a NetWeaver_7_1_PlatformConfig class, which I have to bind in the XMLSessionConfigProject
class. This has the consequence that once I have patched EclipseLink, I need the incubator in the class path in order build EclipseLink.
I am seeing two options to deal with this inter-dependency:
- Build unpatched EclipseLink.
- Compile the NetWeaver server platform incubator against the unpatched EclipseLink.
- Patch EclipseLink
- Build the patched EclipseLink against the result from 2)
This is ugly because I can’t do a clean build unless I un-patch EclipseLink again.
1) Add the incubator to the source path of EclipseLink
2) Patch EclipseLink
3) Build EclipseLink and incubator in one step.
(Alternatively, I could just sync the incubator into the EclipseLink folder structure).
I’ve got the impression that it’s a bit hard to cleanly develop a server-platform as an add-on in an incubator.
Basically, I am a bit stuck now and don’t really know how to proceed …