What does "not strictly required" mean? Is this bug present in
EclipseLink? What were the user visible symptoms of the original bug?
David Minsky wrote:
Rollback of fix for: 275042 due to performance regression in bug 277148.
Removed fix to ParameterExpression for unwrapping and validation of
wrapped parameter types in the case where there is no base _expression_
present. This fix was originally done to synchronize code bases, and is
not strictly required in EclipseLink.
David Minsky wrote:
A fix
for bug 275042 has been checked in, and was previously reviewed.
(Synchronizing codebases)
Description: Fix to ParameterExpression to enable unwrapping and
validation of wrapped parameter types in the case where there is no
base _expression_ present.
Reviewed: Guy Pelletier
Revision: 4120
David Minsky | Senior Member of Technical Staff | (613)
Oracle Server Technologies |
45 O'Connor Street, Suite 400, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 1A4
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