The method getBackkupClone() has two lines
doing the cloning, maybe you know for sure that these lines are never reached.
- return
- backupClone =
I still don’t like the side effect
of the method discoverUnregisteredNewObjects, could you provide one without
side effect?
It’s kind of very useful to be able
to find the list of knownNewObjects and unregisteredExistingObjects.
From: eclipselink-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:eclipselink-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Gordon Yorke
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009
10:26 AM
To: Dev
mailing list for Eclipse Persistence Services
Subject: Re: [eclipselink-dev]
FYI: uow.discoverUnregisteredNewObjects isinefficient and with side effect
getBackupClone() does not actually build anything, it
just looks for the backupClone. It is just a validation step and has not
been added but moved out of the "normal" processing stream to improve
performance and efficiency.
Sebastien Tardif wrote:
FYI: uow.discoverUnregisteredNewObjects is inefficient
and with side effect
* Traverse the object to find references to objects not registered in this unit of work.
discoverUnregisteredNewObjects(Map clones, final Map
knownNewObjects, final Map unregisteredExistingObjects, Map
visitedObjects) {
The JavaDoc and signature seem to convey that the only
change will be to populate the Maps passed as parameters.
The inefficiency is that in revision
2794 this line has been added:
getBackupClone(object, getCurrentDescriptor());
We see that we ignore the return value, and we can
guess that building a clone is not the cheaper operation.
Method discoverUnregisteredNewObjects end-up modifying
the UOW by doing this:
The list of unregisteredExistingObjects will be
returned anyway, so that doesn’t seem to be the responsibility of
discoverUnregisteredNewObjects to apply some logic with the result.
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