Hi Sebastien,
EclipseLink is highly extensible and over the years I have extended
it and plugged in custom policies to get it to do all kinds of things.
A recent example of doing this is my work on Teneo integrating EMF
(Eclipse Modeling Framework) with EclipseLink.
That being said, it could be more extensible and pluggable in many
areas. We could delegate *all* class instantiation to pluggable
factories or identify concrete classes to instantiate through config
file properties but this is obviously overkill. There are probably
only a handful of classes that need this treatment and the only way
we'll figure out which handful is through feedback like yours. You've
run into a case where you'd like to replace SessionBroker with a custom
class and so I recommend you file a specific bug for this and possibly
in a separate bug suggestions on a mechanism to address general
plugability. This has come up recently in the context of OSGi in which
a bundle fragment was used to contribute a platform specific version of
an EclipseLink class. I'd definitely want to ensure that any approach
we take to plugability works in all environments.
Sebastien Tardif wrote:
Please stop to hardcode concrete class instantiation.
In the code below, I don't see why you assume that SessionBroker should
not be replaced by customer, using derived class, knowing that it is not
really tested and coded well.
Even if you believe some concrete class already have some hooks. You do
not know all your customer needs. You should have as much hooks as
possible. The basic start is to externalize resolution of the classes to
Thanks for your understanding.
protected SessionBroker buildSessionBrokerConfig(SessionBrokerConfig
sessionBrokerConfig) {
SessionBroker sessionBroker = new SessionBroker();
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