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[eclipselink-dev] move DBWSException to core to avoid non-OSGi compliant split packages (bug 256695)

I have some exception classes in DBWS that are problematic for OSGi bundling, splitting the
o.e.p.exceptions and o.e.p.exceptions.i18n packages. The pattern to date is to move the
component-specific exception into core:

I propose to move o.e.p.exceptions.DBWSException and o.e.p.exceptions.i18n.DBWSExceptionResource
to foundation/org.eclipse.persistence.core (and close

Any objections by EOB today

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Mike Norman | Principal Software Designer | 613.288.4638
Oracle Server Technologies | EclipseLink Product
45 O'Connor Street, Suite 400 | Ottawa, ON K1P 1A4 | (fax) 613.238.2818

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