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RE: [eclipselink-dev] Build issues - use 2827

    Hi, in a clean view and clean Eclipse IDE I get 2 compile failures on the persistence.jpa project now in EntityManagerImpl - that took longer to appear.
    This is likely a manifest problem as my ant build compiles fine using classes dirs.
import javax.persistence.LockTimeoutException;
import javax.persistence.PessimisticLockException;
If I add javax.persistence 1.99 to the persistence.jpa project i am OK - this fixes it but is not OSGI.
I don't think the manifest should contain a Plug-in Dependency to javax.persistence 1.99 - I don't see it in old versions.
How are we picking up the JPA 2.0 jar jar now? did this change?
I have imported all projects.
thank you
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael O'Brien
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:16
To: Dev mailing list for Eclipse Persistence Services
Subject: RE: [eclipselink-dev] Build issues - use 2827

    No issues anymore as of 2827 for Ant or Eclipse
    I noticed a first time merge conflict with javax.persistence_1.99.0.jar (looks like is being build locally now) when updating one of my views to 2827 from around 2800.
    - make sure you update to 2827 and not 2825
Conflicted: C:\view_w34r1a\jpa\plugins\javax.persistence_1.99.0.jar  
    My build seems to be OK, but I don't see the second delete in the [clean] target that you are seeing.
   [delete] Deleting directory C:\view_w34r1a\jpa\plugins\javax.persistence\classes
Eclipse: Everything working fine as of 2827
    My eclipse projects were having problems since updating from 2821 to 2825 on unquoted manifest entries causing compile issues with missing apache Import-Package: entries not showing up in the eclipse project view - these are fixed in 2826/2827
    39 +;version="1.6.0";resolution:=optional,",
    40 +;version="1.6.0";resolution:=optional,",
    thank you
-----Original Message-----
From: James Sutherland
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:33
To: Dev mailing list for Eclipse Persistence Services
Subject: RE: [eclipselink-dev] Build issues

The clean does not seem to clean all of the classes directories any more.  Shouldn't it delete all the class directories and build artifacts?


-----Original Message-----
From: James Sutherland
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 10:17 AM
To: Eclipselink-Dev@Eclipse. Org (E-mail)
Subject: [eclipselink-dev] Build issues


Anyone else having issues building lately?  My build was failing with an invalid class file format in one of the JPA tests, so I did an "ant clean" and "ant" at the root and got:




Buildfile: build.xml



     [echo] = 'C:\Engineering\EclipseLink\dev\jpa\plugins\javax.persistence'



   [delete] Deleting directory C:\Engineering\EclipseLink\dev\jpa\plugins\javax.persistence\classes

   [delete] Deleting: C:\Engineering\EclipseLink\dev\jpa\plugins\javax.persistence_1.99.0.jar



    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Engineering\EclipseLink\dev\jpa\plugins\javax.persistence\classes

    [javac] Compiling 97 source files to C:\Engineering\EclipseLink\dev\jpa\plugins\javax.persistence\classes



      [jar] Building jar: C:\Engineering\EclipseLink\dev\jpa\plugins\javax.persistence_1.99.0.jar



C:\Engineering\EclipseLink\dev\build.xml:156: The following error occurred while executing this line:

C:\Engineering\EclipseLink\dev\jpa\plugins\javax.persistence\build.xml:97: java.lang.RuntimeException: data starting at 0 is in unknown format


Total time: 2 seconds




Any ideas?


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