Yes that does sound like a good idea.
Eric Gwin wrote:
I was
working on it a bit last week and dropped it until the main issue could
be resolved. Will add it to the proposal if anyone else agrees its a
good idea.
Mitesh Meswani wrote:
Hi Eric,
Not directly related to the changes below but while you are changing - It would be nice to have quick ability to get version
information given just eclipselink jars. It would be nice to add a main
method to that would print out all the information that contains. Then some one can do "java -cp <eclipselink
jars> Version" to quickly get the info.
Eric Gwin wrote:
The reason I'm writing this email, is that I'd like to verify how folks
want to resolve a question about the "Implementation-Version" in the
manifest, as it relates to a change I'm going to be making.
Some Background:
For those not attending the EclipseLink Dev Meeting today. I'm going to
add two fields to the Version class in addition to
holding "version" and "buildNumber", I will be adding "buildType" and
"buildRevision" along with get methods. The buildRevision will hold the
svn revision of code that the build was generated from, and buildType
will either be "SNAPSHOT", the Milestone ("M1"), or "Release".
For the most part this is just an addition, though I will be adding a
bug to utilize the new fields in our exceptions.
The Question:
The manifest doesn't have multiple fields, so the issue is what should
be displayed in the Manifest for local (developer) builds, Nightly
Builds, Milestone Builds, and Release builds.
Currently, we generate 1.1SNAPSHOT-080926 for nightly builds and
1.1M1-080808 for milestone builds - or ({version}{install_id}-{date}).
Release Builds are manually manipulated to {version}-{date}. I want to
automate all this.
I'm thinking of changing the string to be
{version}{install_id}-{date}.{revision}. Where:
- "install_id" will be "" (empty) for a Release
- "revision" will default to "NotAvailable" or "NA" if svn is not found
(developer builds).
What do you think?
I'd like to commit the change (and close the bugs) by Friday.
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Rick Barkhouse | Software Developer, TopLink | 613.288.4613
Oracle Development
45 O'Connor Street, Suite 400 | Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1A4