As part of my work for bug
239832 to add DBWS to the automated build, I discovered
that the EclipseLink build environment is missing some things that were
previously available
in ADE. The Ant extension library 'ant-contrib' has a custom task <PropertyRegex>
performs regular-_expression_ manipulations on Ant ${properties}.
However, Product Management does not want our build process to depend
upon custom Ant
tasks written by a third-party or ourselves. I tried a number of of
ways to solve the problem and
discussed this with Eric and it turns out that he has a related issue -
the built-in Ant logger/listener
is not producing the output Eric requires for the automated build
notifications. A custom Ant
logger task would solve this, but ...
After some investigation, we discovered that JDK 6 has a built-in
_javascript_ interpreter: no
third-party or custom code is required. When used in conjunction with
Ant's <scriptdef> task,
I was able to successfully build and test DBWS, and Eric will be able
to create a scripted solution
to his logger/listener problem.
All <javac> targets would specify that Java5 bytecodes
are to be produced, so we are not
'abandoning' existing Java5 customers.
We have discussed this with Peter and he sees no problems with this ...
any issues/questions from
the rest of the Dev community?
Mike Norman | Principal Software Designer | 613.288.4638
Oracle Server Technologies | EclipseLink Product
45 O'Connor Street, Suite 400 | Ottawa, ON K1P 1A4 | (fax) 613.238.2818