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[eclipselink-dev] Minutes: EclipseLink Development Meeting - 16 April 2008

Minutes By: Michael O'Brien

Minutes are preceeded by >

16 April 2008 Minutes
 Clarke Douglas; 
 Twelves David; 
 Krogh Peter; 
 O'Brien Michael;
 Mitesh Meswani
 Ware Tom;
 Hauge Neil;
 Barkhouse Rick;
 Delahunt Chris;
 Andre Ilitchev;
 Keith Mike;

>Action: All: do a triage of the bugs (especially teamleads)
>Action: All: review the bug process above
>Action: DONE Peter: link to new page from Doug where [bugs] replaces [meetings] on the URL
>Action: Blaise: need clear statement of what we are shipping for JAXB
>Action: All: any external piece of code needs to go in the IP log if not from a committer if it is > 250 lines of code, need to enter a CQ
>Action: All: please review [[EclipseLink/Features | Features Index ]] and provide feedback in case we are missing a large piece of functionality

== Agenda Apr 02 2008 ==
=== Status updates ===
* Bug Updates:
** Total Open: 218
** Open for 1.0: 37
*** Please look through untargetted open bugs, and let Peter K or Doug C know of any that are must haves.

>Action: do a triage of the bugs (especially teamleads)

* Bug DB usage
** If you are working on a bug, assign it to yourself.
*** add dummy inbox to the cc list.
>Also add any other interested parties

** Set the target milestone to the correct milestone.
*** Milestones
**** 1.0M7, 1.0M8 are bugs that are to be fixed by the the corresponding milestone build.
>Extra  milestone 1.1 is availabe
>The milestone is used on a query to see what was fixed
>Only new assigned bugs should no milestone
>having at least one maintenance release on 1.1 is being planned

**** 1.0 is a bug that is to be fixed by 1.0, but has no current target milestone.
>Action: review the bug process above
>Action: DONE Peter: link to new page from Doug where [bugs] replaces [meetings] on the URL

* OSGi
** Byte code weaving in Equinox working!
*** Need to cleanup the code and properly integrate it.
*** Will be checking code into OSGi branch and updating wiki.
**[[EclipseLink/Development/OSGi_Proof_of_Concept | Wiki page added with POC status, demos, and usage instructions]]. ([ Bug 210979])
** Branch Created in SVN for exploration of [[EclipseLink/Development/OSGi|EclipseLink as OSGi bundles]].
** POC running simple JPA and JAXB 2.0 apps in pure OSGi environment--no Equinox extensions used.
>Shaun is dependent on Equinox 3.4 before we ship

==== 1.0 Release ====
* 1.0 Release Date: June 25th [[EclipseLink/RoadMap || details]]
>Gives us 2 more milestones may, june and 2 weekly RC's
>We are planning for 3 weeks of bug fixes, packaging before the release date
>We have met all technical requirements for creation review, just waiting on the process
>Target for late may graduation
>Tom: The move review gives us the ability to move - we can choose when to actually move - to not destablilize

** [[EclipseLink/Development/Release/1.0#1.0_Release_Criteria | Exit Criteria]] now documented. Please review and provide feedback on the dev mailing list - Doug
** Schedule Dependencies
*** Eclipse reviews: graduation, release, and move to RT
*** Ganymede to leverage Equinox 3.4 
>Tom: Release date is around 1 July - Canada Day
>Doug: We should be ready for this date or the following week (as support may not be available just before 3.4 release)

* Change in scope for 200040: Focus on new JPA usable XML file with key advanced features
** Replacing existing XML schema, full mapping features, and migration deferred to the 1.1 release
>Starting a new bug for the 1.1 release for all things not done in 1.0

* JAXB2 compliance: Not complete for 1.0. Need to document exact support level and advanced features
* Pre-release tasks
>Action: need clear statement of what we are shipping for JAXB

** 3rd party works-with approval for Oracle JDBC - Doug
** 1st pass Complete [[EclipseLink/IPLog | IP Log]] - Peter
>Action: any external piece of code needs to go in the IP log if not from a committer
>Action: Anything over 250 lines needs and IP review 

*** Team leads please look through, and verify
** Complete [[EclipseLink/Features | Features Index ]] - Doug with support of all committers
>Action: please review and provide feedback in case we are missing a large piece of functionality

** Complete Examples & How-to materials - Doug/Shaun
** FAQ
** Update wiki Documentation for 1.0 Features - Liza (starting in May) with committer support
** Finalize product packaging and distribution - ZIP(s), Bundle access (update site?)
** Prepare and schedule reviews

==== 1.0M7 ====
* Milestone release Date - May 7th
>M7 on 7th

* Foundation and JPA Status
** Deployment XML rework
*** Bug to merge xml started, targetted for M8.
* OSGi - Tom
>Shaun and Tom are meeting on Friday

** moved from M6 219012: Make SDO compatible with OSGi
** 221377: Convert EclipseLink Projects to PDE Projects and Rename 
** 221381: Update EclipseLink build to generate both EclipseLink.jar and bundle jars   
** 221379: Extract eclipselink.core.lib zips into separate PDE Projects 
** 221383: Move all files in eclipselink.core/resources under src 
* Workbench
>Neil: fixed a couple of bugs, working on automap functionality - will enter bug for eclipseLink changes

** Tested XML and EIS mapping functionality.
**  Able to open of toplink mapping workbench 10.1.3 projects
** Corrected the issue with Cache Synchronization (replaced functionality erroneously removed)
* OXM, JAXB, SDO - Blaise D
>Blaise: end of today - Moxy is OSGI compliant
>working on SDO for May 7th

* Documentation Status - Rick S
** Complete [[EclipseLink/UserGuide|User's Guide]] available. Minor/final cleanup remaining, as needed.
>Liza is working with Rick on EclipseLink documentation

General Issues:
>Peter: EOF exception on 3 optimistic locking testsuite using EM on MySQL - work around put in
>Since this workaround we have not had the problem - no proof yet until we reproduce the problem

>Mitesh: for V3: integrated M6 in glassfish, bug filed - working on fix for an issue related to the integration

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