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[eclipselink-dev] Minutes: EclipseLink Dev Meeting Jan 23 2008
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2PM EST, Wednesday Jan 23th, 2008
Tom Ware, Blaise Doughan, Doug Clarke, Guy Pelletier, David Twelves, Peter Krogh, Michael O'Brien, Neil Hauge, Roger Striffler, Mitesh (SUN)
== Agenda Jan 23, 2008 ==
=== Status updates ===
* IP Review ([[EclipseLink/IPLog]])
** EclipseLink code being reviewed
>contentious - concurrent hashmap implementation must be changed
>ItentityHashTable gone
>ItentityHashMap (Doug Lee version) - unmodifiable without Mitesh permission
>slightly different usage on putAt() method
>cannot subclass, method modified is public
>cannot find public reference for public domain version of the class we use
**BSD License
>Expect will be done, waiting on lawyers, folluw up on Denis, no more hurdles
** [[EclipseLink/Dependencies]] - All approved. Still need PMC approval for 3rd party dependencies - Doug
** Main TopLink Contribution awaiting final approval
*** Review on going.
** Workbench CQ Approved
** UserGuide CQ Approved
* Dual Licensing with BSD
** Awaiting BSD availability. Working with Eclipse Foundation legal
** Will update all source in SVN and CQ with dual license header when available
* OSGi Proof of Concept
>Need more people to try out
>obtained independent bundles via Orbit project
>refactored but not checked in changes
>subversion learning: need osgi folder
>Do we decompose into separate jars or single jar
>mailing list user asked if he could debug in an osgi environment
>Need to make decision on merge/modify main development to align with this.
>>>>developers need to sign off on this project at some point - so check out demo<<<<

>we might have eclipselink*.jar for each component
>We will need a # of developers to agree to move forward in the very near future
>teneo project is a consumer of eclipselink
>Brian Hunt has the most interest
** [[EclipseLink/Development/OSGi_Proof_of_Concept | Wiki page added with POC status, demos, and usage instructions]].
** Branch Created in SVN for exploration of [[EclipseLink/Development/OSGi|EclipseLink as OSGi bundles]].
** POC running simple JPA and JAXB 2.0 apps in pure OSGi environment--no Equinox extensions used.
** Workbench Status
>Working on integrating build into trunk build scripts
>Working on classpath issues before checking into subversion
==== 1.0M4 ====
* Milestone release Date - Feb 6th
* Automated build
>Issue: work will be restarted after completing current Maven work
** Continuous builds
*** Continous builds running again.
*** Tests to be added to continuous build when automated testing framework is completed
* Automated Testing - Tom
** JPA FullRegressionTestSuite and core SRG pass on EclipseLink build server
** JPA, MOXy, SDO and DBWS SRGs are needed
** Core SRG runs automatically with build
** Publication of test results
*** HTML version of Core SRG results published with each build
*** Peter working on making result linkable.
>links fixed
* Foundation and JPA Status
** Deprecation Removal - Kyle
** Deployment XML rework - Guy
>on track to get next phase released before next milestone
* OXM, JAXB, SDO - Blaise D
>on track for next milestone
>features under code review
* Documentation Status - Rick S
** Complete [[EclipseLink/UserGuide|User's Guide]] available. Minor/final cleanup remaining.
** Adding crosslinks from/to examples, FAQs, etc.
** Working on [[EclipseLink/UserGuide/Contributor_Guidelines|Contributor Guidelines]]
** Javadocs linked from [[EclipseLink/UserGuide|User's Guide]]
** Improved searching
* Maven - Mitesh
** Building Mavenized bundle of EclipseLink
==== 1.0 Exit Criteria ====
* 1.0 [[EclipseLink/Development/Release/1.0#1.0_Release_Criteria | Exit Criteria]] now documented. Please review and provide feedback on the dev mailing list - Doug
* Need to provide projected release date. Planning for first half of 2008. Waiting for JAXB 2.1 compliance estimates - Doug
=== General Issues ===
* nightly eclipselink.jar checked into build -
>Same problem as maven, taging, nightly jar should be possible
>change / to . in ** bug created: [ 211760]
* new Productname EPS(EclipseLink) may be causing issues with our meta data
** Bugs button is now greyed out, and I can't figure out how to fix it.  Escape brackets???
* Auto generation of backlog list from bugs.
>didnt happen yet for M3/M4 continue for M5
** Like to try this for M3.  Peter to follow up
* SVN Proxy
>Oracle internal issue - workarounds with 3 proxies
>Mitesh: Doug> in the middle of an email conversation
>exit criteria> Jaxb 2.0 certifications
=== Upcoming Issues ===
The following items require discussion but are not yet at the stage where a solution can be proposed.
* [[EclipseLink/Development/Examples]]: Strategy for the development and maintenance of examples
* [[EclipseLink/Development/OSGi]]: Strategy for delivery of OSGi/Equinox bundles
* [[EclipseLink/Development/JPA_2.0]]: Strategy for the concurrent development of JPA 2.0 while maintaining JPA 1.0 usage
* [[EclipseLink/Development/Spring]]: Strategy for using EclipseLink within the Spring Framework
* [[EclipseLink/Development/Java6]]: Strategy for using EclipseLink on a Java SE 6 JRE
>Action: contact peter if the automated build should be suspended for workbench

>>>>>>>>>Discussion about essentials - meeting part 2
>Mitesh: talk about essentials with Elliot
2 streams currently
one is tightly controlled
The other is for fixing escalated bugs
Issue: oracleAS, TMax, Spring all are distributing essentials - we have a responsiblity to these customers to fix any issues
We would like to continue to service these customers with critical fixes down the road
How do we rebuild/redistribute updated jar to customer.
>Elliot: needs to understand issues first
V3 work is not an appropriate place
Trunk is quiet
possibility to treat the same way we treat our own escalations with a new branch
This does not fully scale, SUN is responsible to the content of the branch (sustaining)
so that the update releases are merged and kept stable.
We have independent support aggreements, it is inevitable that we will find a bug in essentials that requires a plan
Either company must be able to respond to a customer escallation
Issue when you create a branch is that the support will not be there for an official build/web site publishment
Chance both companies will want this fixed
As long as the ability for the branch to be the official source is there - this is ok
Might be viewed as a tall order
We can create a patch set
We need to own the repository, but you should be able to branch
Toplink essentials community at large needs to be switched over to EclipseLink without abandoning some essentials users
We need to make some formal public announcements about V3
On the EclipseLink side we need migration tools to help switching over to EclipseLink
Wait for feedback on where we are going
We will rely on SUN to work with us on notifying the committers about what is happening including possibly phoning some committers
We will work towards a Blog
Offline to see what the message is
First step - blog at Glassfish
Will work on consistent message
Schedule for next week (offline)
Try for 1400EST Friday
V2 CVS repository will continue to be available
Notion of things that are non-critical going into a holding area - we will need a similar mechanism
We need to redirect users to eclipselink
We will end up with an FAQ
Q) I found something i would like enhanced in essentials what do I do?
Based on customer feedback on features that are not in essentials - customers can/should be able to get these from the full eclipseLink build


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