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[eclipselink-dev] Fix for Bug#212176 - MOXy JAXB: Schema generation - maxOccurs value is wrong after converting content model to schema file


Please review the fix for the following bug and provide any feedback you may have:

Bug summary:
maxOccurs="unbounded" is not generated in the schema for a list of objects - for example, if a CustomerType has a 
field (phone-number) that is a List of PhoneNumber objects, we'd expect maxOccurs="unbounded" to be present in 
the related element in the generated schema.  The problem occurs when dealing with an element ref, i.e. in the case 
where the @XmlElement annotation contains a namespace declaration.  In this case, we want the element ref to be 
unbounded (for lists).


David McCann | Principal Software Engineer | TopLink Product
Oracle Corporation Canada
45 O'Connor Street, Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1A4
613.238.2818 (fax)

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