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[eclipse.org-project-leadership] Introduction to the Automated Error Reporting for Eclipse Mars M5 - Call to Action
Greetings Eclipse Project Leads.
When our users experience bugs in Eclipse, reporting them is key because committers (we) can't fix what they don't know is broken. But reporting errors in Eclipse can be cumbersome at times. It requires our users to have a solid understanding which projects exist at eclipse.org, where to report the bug they experienced, which information to provide etc. etc.
With Mars M5 we introduced an automated error reporting facility to the Eclipse IDE which sends all errors logged to the Eclipse Error Log to eclipse.org for further analysis. The ultimate goal of this feature is to help every Eclipse project to get notified about problems your users are experiencing with your plugins, to improve the quality of our code, and in the long term to improve the over all user perception of Eclipse being a stable and well written piece of software. If you haven’t heard about the initiative yet, I kindly ask you to take a few minutes and read the user guide [1] and the introducing Eclipse Newsletter Article from November [2].
Why am I writing you now?
Because of two things: First, to make sure that every project knows that there is such a tool available in Mars M5, and second to call you to help improving the Eclipse IDE as a whole.
How can you help?
In many ways.
First, please forward this email to your project mailing list to let your users and committers know about this initiative.
Second, you can download the latest Mars M5 EPP (not SDK) package available some time next week and report *every* error your experience to eclipse.org. Don’t worry about traffic or potentially spamming the error reporting system. We take care of this.
Third, for every error you report, go after it using the links the error reporter provides. If it’s a bug, visit the problem’s triaging page (see [3] for an example), click on the ‘Report to Bugzilla’ link and make sure that the problem goes to the right bugzilla project to review and fix.
Forth, sign up yourself to get notified about projects you care about (e.g., yours or those you use) and help triaging bugs in it. The error reporter offers a ‘daily digest’ email alert that sends out emails about new problems to interested committers. The current list of defined projects is given in [4]. Click on the details of every project, add your email address in the alert section.
Fifth, register your own project to receive notifications about problems in your own plugins. To do so, visit [4], press on the ‘New Project’ link and fill out the form. From there on you will get notified about new problems automatically.
That’s it. The guide [1] is in the making and we’ll add more detailed instructions in the next days. However, if you have any questions, please contact me by email (marcel.bruch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) I’m happy to assist you in setting up notifications for your project or answering any questions you might have.
Thank you
[1] https://dev.eclipse.org/recommenders/community/confess/#/guide
[2] https://www.eclipse.org/community/eclipse_newsletter/2014/november/article1.php
[3] https://dev.eclipse.org/recommenders/committers/confess/#/problems/54d30989e4b0d2e72753bb87/triage
[4] https://dev.eclipse.org/recommenders/committers/confess/#/projects/?page=0&size=20&sort=name,asc
Codetrails GmbH
The knowledge transfer company
Robert-Bosch-Str. 7, 64293 Darmstadt
Phone: +49-6151-276-7092
Mobile: +49-179-131-7721
Managing Director: Dr. Marcel Bruch
Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 91940