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[] RE: EclipseCon '07 planning

Title: Re: EclipseCon '07 planning

I like it.  But I also like “Eclipse plug-in mashups” so it’s not all about tools.


From: Scott Rosenbaum [mailto:scottr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 1:46 PM
To: Tim Wagner
Cc: Richard Gronback;; Bjorn Freeman-Benson; Ian Skerrett; Gaff, Doug; Ed Merks
Subject: Re: EclipseCon '07 planning



I spent some time thinking about what to call a multi-use track.  I have been kind of stumped too.  How does Eclipse Tool Mashups sound?  I know that mashup is normally associated with Web 2.0, world but I think that it cuts to the chase of what we would like to see.



Tim Wagner wrote:

A few comments:

  • Keynotes: Ironically, no one wants to hear anything related to Eclipse ;-). I thought a “competition” talk from Sun would be good, but the advice from the Board last year was to not do that. Would be nice to have someone other than an old white male at some point. Funny is good, provocative is good, and interesting is good. The google infrastructure talk two years ago went over well; might be nice to get them back in and talk about how they view middleware, open source, and the industry in general. Everyone loves NASA talks, too.
  • Thanks for the xtra tutorial for WTP.
  • Like Scott’s multi-use track rec, but not sure what to call it or exactly how to drive content there.
  • Vertical merge seems like a good idea, but beyond that I don’t have a lot of advice on how to handle that track.
  • Agree that a tools track per se is probably not needed and is a little confusing relative to the naming convention.
  • Agree that scripting could go into tech, unless we wind up with a pile of scripting talks.


From: Richard Gronback [mailto:richard.gronback@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:17 AM
To: Tim Wagner
Cc:; Bjorn Freeman-Benson; Ian Skerrett; Scott Rosenbaum; Gaff, Doug; Ed Merks
Subject: Re: EclipseCon '07 planning


Thanks, Tim!

I’ve attached an updated spreadsheet with some changes based on this and other feedback.  Also, there is a list of potential keynotes on the second sheet.  Let me know if you need a format other than Excel.

In general, I have done and would like feedback on:

  • Removed the Linux track, as it seems odd to me as well.  Objections?
  • Renamed the tracks with more “friendly” names, more in line with what we did for categories in Callisto
  • Increased the WTP tutorial # ;)
  • Reduced the #s on the Business track
  • Added an RCP track
  • Regarding “holdbacks”: Mike has 2 reserved slots that he’s happy to make transparent
  • Scott made a good recommendation (imo) to have tracks that encourage multiple project use, so end-to-end solution presentations/demos/tutorials:  thoughts?  What to name it?
  • Combined Heath and Automotive into “Industry Verticals” track... Thoughts in this track in general?
  • From Tools, it seems only COBOL and GEF are left, as I can see VE falling into the ‘Java Development’ track, PHP falling into the ‘Web Development’ track, and C/C++ having its own track... Or, to leave all in the ‘Tools’ category, whose name doesn’t fit with the rest of the ‘friendly’ track names?
  • Should there be an ‘Eclipse Development’ track, to focus on general extensibility/PDE?
  • Scripting track... Necessary?  Can it be part of the Technology track?
  • DSDP and Mobile tracks combined into ‘Mobile and Embedded’ track

As soon as we get representatives from each track, I’ll create a mailing list to avoid blasting all of the PMC leads.


On 7/18/06 11:34 AM, "Tim Wagner" <twagner@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Rich, etc.
The WTP PMC discussed the planning for EclipseCon ’07 last week. In general, we understand and agree with the desire to engage the projects as domain experts. We had one concern w.r.t. WTP and several questions of a general nature:
·        WTP has one fewer tutorial slot than we had last year; is there a way to add another one in?
·        Last year the program committee had difficulty in identifying business tutorial topics/interest; perhaps this is an area from which to create more project tutorial slots?
·        “Linux” seemed like an odd category; is there more to this than just one of several platforms on which Eclipse runs? Who represents “Linux” as a domain area?
·        No explicit RCP allocation – is that intentional?
·        Finally, we wanted to request transparency on “holdbacks” – if the EMO is reserving certain slots to fill using another process, the program committee should be open about that aspect.
Thanks, and looking forward to working with you on EC07.

Richard C. Gronback
Borland Software Corporation
+1 860 227 9215

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