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[] EclipseCon '07 planning

Rich, etc.


The WTP PMC discussed the planning for EclipseCon ’07 last week. In general, we understand and agree with the desire to engage the projects as domain experts. We had one concern w.r.t. WTP and several questions of a general nature:


·         WTP has one fewer tutorial slot than we had last year; is there a way to add another one in?

·         Last year the program committee had difficulty in identifying business tutorial topics/interest; perhaps this is an area from which to create more project tutorial slots?

·         “Linux” seemed like an odd category; is there more to this than just one of several platforms on which Eclipse runs? Who represents “Linux” as a domain area?

·         No explicit RCP allocation – is that intentional?

·         Finally, we wanted to request transparency on “holdbacks” – if the EMO is reserving certain slots to fill using another process, the program committee should be open about that aspect.


Thanks, and looking forward to working with you on EC07.


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