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Re: [] Fw: Can Swordfish be back for SR1?



David M Williams wrote:
We have, as a council, previously decided that new releases can merge into the Common Discovery site during Services Releases, so I think this is something we should support. Any objections? Comments? Concerns? I would recommend we review it closely for compliance to all the Simultaneous Release criteria.

----- Forwarded by David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM on 07/30/2009 05:04 PM -----

Oliver Wolf <oliver.wolf@xxxxxxxxx>
David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
07/30/2009 11:05 AM
Can Swordfish be back for SR1?


I posted this message to the planning council list, but being a non-member it needs moderator approval.
I?m not sure who the moderator is, so I?m forwarding it to you.


------ Weitergeleitete Nachricht
Von: Oliver Wolf <oliver.wolf@xxxxxxxxx>
Datum: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 17:01:18 +0200
An: <>
Cc: Zsolt Beothy-Elo <zsolt.beothy-elo@xxxxxxxxx>
Unterhaltung: Can Swordfish be back for SR1?
Betreff: Can Swordfish be back for SR1?

Planning council members,

you probably all remember vividly the unfortunate events regarding our missing CQs in the Galileo release which led to removal of Swordfish from the Galileo update site. Please accept my apologies for all the trouble and extra work we have caused ? we?ve definitely learned our lesson the hard way.

We?ve spent quite some time on resolving those issues ? both and technically and process-wise ? and we would now again be in the position to participate in SR1. The IP team agreed to complete all our pending CQs in time for a new release review mid of September.
Could you please advise me on how to proceed from here?

------ Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht

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