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Re: [eclipse.org-planning-council] Accessibility requirement for Galileo
Being on the 'should do' list doesn't make it less important, for the
products and regulations you refer to.
Part of the criteria for being on the "must do" list is that something has
been around as an Eclipse-wide practice for a while. This is the first
time accessibility has even been mentioned.
Another criteria is that it be concretely achievable; clear steps to
perform or clear, widely accepted idea of what it means to be successful.
While I know of several companies that have published checklists of what
to do to be accessible (interpreting the regulations you refer to) there
is not one provided at Eclipse itself. Doing that would allow it to go
through the usual open development process and achieve some agreement
between projects and the companies that participate in them.
In the short term (i.e. for Galileo) I know companies that care about
accessibility spend time testing for accessibility and devote resources to
fixing accessibility bugs. This of course is especially true for those
that create Products to market in areas with the regulations you refer to.
In the long term, my hope is that there will be more
contributions/commitment to the Accessibility Tools Framework project not
only for the 'tools' per se, but also checklists and practices that can be
published and agreed to by other Eclipse Projects.
Hope these answers help give you some ideas of the PC's process, and some
ideas of how to you can proceed and perhaps improve things at Eclipse for
the next major simultaneous release.
"Schmidt, Karsten" <k.schmidt@xxxxxxx>
"eclipse.org-planning-council" <eclipse.org-planning-council@xxxxxxxxxxx>
"Wenz, Michael" <michael.wenz@xxxxxxx>, "Meigen, Thomas"
<thomas.meigen@xxxxxxx>, "Kolb, Bernd" <bernd.kolb@xxxxxxx>
03/25/2009 12:11 PM
[eclipse.org-planning-council] Accessibility requirement for Galileo
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Hi all,
sorry that I address this topic so late - I simply missed it somehow.
Accessibility is currently only a "Should do" requirement.
Apart from the social aspect there is also a legal one: for exampl, in
some countries, specifically the US, public agencies may not purchase
software that is not accessible.
SAP and many others are building commercial products on Eclipse that also
address public institutions. We have to satisfy the relevant Accessibility
regulations in the US, the EU and other areas.
Therefore I propose to move Accessibility to "Must do".
What do you think?
Best regards
Dr. Karsten Schmidt
Development Project Director
TD Core JS&I Tools Infrastructure
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
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