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[] Re: [] StAC Teleconference and Meeting at EclipseCon

Yes, I agree, a joint meeting of all council sounds like a good proposal to me, because that Sunday is almost always filled up with last minute preparations and other meetings as well.


2009/1/13 Richard Gronback <richard.gronback@xxxxxxxxxxx>
The Planning Council was planning to meet the Sunday before EclipseCon, though I feel a well-attended StAC meeting with representation from all Councils may be a better use of our time, while giving us the opportunity to discuss what was likely to be on our agenda anyway.

Does the rest of the Planning Council agree with this?


On 1/13/09 7:54 AM, "Donald Smith" <donald.smith@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

First, some good news.  The 2009 program plan allocates a budget for the EMO to use towards the theme of "ensuring a great release train"  based on advice and prioritization of the StAC (i.e., the three councils [1]).  Based on the StAC's feedback and suggestions, we can fund efforts to help with Galileo, or if timing does not support priorities we can start looking to the 2010 release train.  Purely hypothetical examples to show the things we could do include fund a usability study, work on cross project testing, etc.
To start this process, I would like to schedule an initial call immediately after the Architecture Council call this Thursday January 15th, on the same bridge.  Time would be 9am Pacific, noon eastern,  1700 UTC.
I realize this is short notice – but I hope that the timing after the Architecture Call will help.  The agenda for the 15th is to outline some of the constraints and decide how aggressive we want to be on helping Galileo versus the next release train.  We will also schedule a follow up the week of January 26th where I hope we will be able to firm a proposal of recommended priorities.
On the wiki you can find details of a SWOT analysis of the release train that may help guide our decision making:
Finally, I would like to propose we plan a meeting at EclipseCon from 3pm-5pm on Sunday, March 22nd.  The purpose of this meeting will be related to decisions made for the StAC budget.
-         Don

[1] -
Donald Smith
Director of Ecosystem Development
Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
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EclipseCon 2009 <> , March 23-26

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