Hi Bjorn,
perhaps P2 does a better job, but in old Update Manager
there were
problems with consuming features off multiple update
(1) users need to select proper sites to get
stuff from
(2) dependencies spanning multiple sites were
not properly resolved
Now (2) has been fixed only very recently, in Eclipse
3.4M6. It might
actually work now to do a proper pre-selection of multiple
update sites
before asking to install stuff. But it's non-intuitive
IMHO, and I also
consider it risky to get rid of the coordinated single site
that's been
working fine now for years -- with a fallback mechanism
instead that's
been fixed so recently only.
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical
Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project
Lead, DSDP PMC Member
I was under the impression that we already did pre-populate with
more than one site. To test my theory, I downloaded the Europa package
"Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" and opened Help > Software Updates >
Find and Install... > Search for new features and, voila!, there are nine
update sites pre-populated.
We could very easily pre-populate with all
the project's update sites, n'est pas? And that would provide a natural
additional level of classification of the features...
I'm sure we could prepopulate more then one
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