Forwarding from Sri (representing TPTP) re
Callisto Coordination Call earlier today. –tyler
Sorry for missing the coordination meeting
today. An oversight on my part – I forgot to add this to my calendar.
Status of TPTP M5:
We are building and testing with Eclipse SDK M5 and EMF M5. Full test pass has
started on Wednesday.
We are tracking to
completion of TPTP M5 on Wednesday 3/1/06.
On Behalf Of Tim Wagner
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006
8:46 AM
To: Bjorn
Subject: []
Callisto / Planning Council rawnotes from 2/17/2006 telecon
Kevin Haaland
David Williams
Doug Schaefer
Tim Wagner
Rich Gronback
John Graham
Wenfeng Li
David Orme
Doug Gaff
Status by Project:
Moved to near-M5 bits in prereqs
this week; migration to tabbed property view and common nav framework going
well. Tracking against Callisto requirements.
ICU4J migration was done, but several
blocking bugs were encountered and the changes rolled back (collation classes).
Working on current integration
streams for M5; high confidence in M5 release.
Still on M4 prereqs; expecting to
migrate up to M5 prereqs this weekend.
Questions on M5 build number: policy
is up to projects; timestamp seems to be general consensus for fourth digit.
Numbers cannot be recycled, and dependencies have to be accurate in terms of
the specific version of a plugin you rely on.
One compile error against M5;
targeting Wednesday for bits to the update site.
status green
On weekly I-builds of prereqs and
working with those. Has already posted to the update site.
One more build before M5; probably
declaring later today (2/17) or Saturday (2/18).
Update Site Status:
Update site Wiki (
updated to reflect that:
Features will be listed explicitly,
rather than functionally grouped
Screen shot added
Explicit limitation: 3.1 à 3.2
platform is *not* part of the
update site; users or adopters will need to explicitly download/ship 3.2 bits
to migrate
Timing is expected to be synchronous
with downloadable ZIPs (project leads agreed to this)
Reminder that per-project update
sites must be done in advance of the push to the global Callisto update site.
All Callisto projects should have their “local” update sites
working by their respective M5 deadlines.
Send questions or comments on update
site or the document to David.
Discussion Topics:
ICU4J: Don’t worry about
4-byte Unicode support; SWT is *not*
supporting it.
John Graham: Which is the
“right” list of APIs to use?
KevinH: Clarise McIntyre is the
right person to listen to. Proxy layer is not ready yet, but will be announced
to mailing list when it is.
DavidW: Log/search for ICU4J bugs
directly at
For general info sharing, you can add comments to the platform’s
“transition to ICU4J” bug (
so that others can benefit from your experience, but don’t use that as a
proxy for filing real bug reports.
Can replace builds on update site;
limit to M-builds and critical updates for now. (Frequency will increase in the
May/June timeframe.) Goal at the moment is to exercise infrastructure and work
out any kinks, more than to establish a high level of support around M5.
Kevin: No one owns interop testing
in the abstract. Request is to have each team smoke test their *own* component within the context of the
Callisto bits. (Projects agreed to this.)
Kevin: Can we confirm that the
infrastructure is up to the download challenge? (DavidW: Blocking bug open
against intermittent problems. Operational issues with bandwidth need to be
raised to Eclipse Webmasters in advance; see AI below.)
Action Items:
[Bjorn] Include Denis (Eclipse
Webmaster) on these calls for operational support.
Call next week, same bat time, same
bat channel.
By the next call, Platform, CDT,
DTP, EMF, GEF, and VE should have M5 releases ready. BIRT, GMF, TPTP, and WTP
reach M5 one week later (3/3/2006).
We’re meeting in Santa Clara on Sunday,
March 19th from 10-noon, Bjorn to supply room details.
Please send corrections, updates to Bjorn.