Hello everyone!
Just a reminder…… hotel
information is below. Our block will be held until November 21st.
Don’t forget to register for dinner on Tuesday, December 13th!
If you haven’t already done so,
please confirm your participation at the meetings with me. I have to
confirm numbers with the hotel for catering purposes.
From: Sharon Wolfe
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005
4:58 PM
To: 'eclipse.org-requirements-council';
Cc: 'Jodi Kneer'; 'Donna
Hamilton'; 'Selina L Stallings'; 'Annmarie.Moustouka@xxxxxx';
'Jennifer Collins'; 'atreanor@xxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: Hotel Information for
Council Meetings December 13-15
Importance: High
Hello everyone,
The next Council meetings will take place in the Serrano
Hotel (www.serranohotel.com), San
Francisco, December 13-15th. We have
been guaranteed a rate of $139.00/night. Please tell them you are with
the Eclipse Foundation group to ensure this rate. This block will be held until November 21, 2005.
Requirements Council – Tuesday 13th - all
Architecture Council – Tuesday 13th –
afternoon only
Plenary session with Board – Wednesday 14th
- morning only
Architecture Council – Wednesday 14th
– afternoon only
Planning Council – Thursday 15th –
all day
There will be a group dinner with Board members on Tuesday
(13th) evening at the Ponzu
Restaurant. The menu will be pre-selected. Those interested
in attending the dinner will be asked to pre-pay
$60.00/each to help offset the cost. We have set up an online “registration” to handle
the pre-payment for the dinner. To register visit: http://www.regonline.com/84399. You must register to participate.
Eclipse Foundation Inc.
Phone: 613 224 9461 x221