Topics for discussion and investigation include:
Support and maintenance of the Eclipse ThreadX safety certifications. This is an annual cost and a collection of members in a WG would be a good way to amortize the cost of maintaining the certifications across companies with a direct interest and benefit in doing so. Establishment of a branding program for Eclipse ThreadX projects to support growth in the upstream ecosystem and a marketplace for member downstream products. Development of an Eclipse ThreadX Marketplace. Eclipse has a track record over the years of supporting marketplace development (e.g. the original Eclipse IDE market). The interest group could investigate if such a marketplace development function would help working group members expand business as a place, for example, to host pluggable drivers, ThreadX add-ons, and integrations, etc. Development of an Eclipse ThreadX Ecosystem. Beyond the immediacy of a marketplace, the Eclipse Foundation has a long history of supporting and growing developer ecosystems around Eclipse projects through events, technical discussions, training, and specifications development. Establishment of possible Eclipse ThreadX compatibility programs to support marketplace growth. Support the sustainable funding of the ThreadX initiative, its projects, brands, and safety certifications.
We invite you to learn more about this opportunity [1] including the background on the move of the project to Eclipse by both Microsoft [4] and the Eclipse Foundation [5]. A FAQ [6] is also prepared on the topic.
All Members of the Eclipse Foundation may join the interest group and there are no additional fees involved to do so. Should you wish to follow along, please subscribe to the Interest Group’s mailing list [7] and indicate your organization’s interest in participation.
Based on the Interest Group Process [8], the interest group will be officially created within the next two-three weeks.
Regards, ======== Paul White VP, Member Services & Secretary/Treasurer | Eclipse Foundation |