Today's the day! You can now log in to the Eclipse Foundation's preview "chat service" communication platform at "https://chat-staging.eclipse.org" and start chatting with other members of the community.
We also offer access to documentation available at the following link: https://chat-staging.eclipse.org/docs. It contains a service presentation, getting started guide, FAQ, useful links, and more.
To collect all of your feedback, we offer several possibilities depending on the type of request:
If you feel lost at first, don't hesitate to consult our getting started documentation otherwise you can log in with your Eclipse account, accept the consent policy and start chatting!
Once you're logged in, you'll have access to various spaces that have already been made available, including:
The latter space includes:
Feel free to use the service's integrated search to find your projects and start interacting.
It's important to understand that this is a staging instance intended to give a glimpse of what the chat service might be like. That’s why we create this large number of project rooms. We don’t want to force projects to migrate but to take into account their desire to migrate at their request when they are ready, and this by opening an issue in the helpdesk.
As mentioned in the service announcement, this is a first iteration and is organized as such:
- Public rooms and spaces are set by the Eclipse Foundation, one room per Eclipse project. In other words, there are no private rooms, and you cannot create your own rooms or spaces.
- Direct communication is possible in a 1:1 way with other community members, but it is not possible to expand the communication except by switching to a public room.
- If you already have a Matrix account on another server, you will need to use that server to authenticate and search for Eclipse Foundation rooms and spaces.
It is not mandatory to use the web interface provided by the Eclipse Foundation; you can use your own web, smartphone, or desktop client that is compliant with the Matrix specification. For this, you will need to enter the Matrix server manually: `matrix-staging.eclipse.org`.
For more details, please see the FAQ at https://chat-staging.eclipse.org/docs/faq and if you can't find what you are looking for, then ask questions in the support room.
IMPORTANT: After the trial period is over, a production chat service will be provided, and the preview server will be shut down. Due to the nature of Matrix, which revolves around the concept of a unique `mxid` per domain (i.e., a user ID associated with the domain server), we won't be able to transfer any discussion or data that occurs during the trial period to our production server.
We hope you will enjoy our new chat service and it will help you collaborate more effectively, and help you grow your communities!
Thank you and happy chatting!
Sébastien Heurtematte
Release Engineer | Eclipse Foundation