Hi All,
As you may be aware,
Google Analytics 4 is being rolled out as a replacement for Universal Analytics. While Universal Analytics is still supported at this time, Google has announced that they will stop processing new hits for all standard Universal Analytics properties on July 1, 2023.
Therefore, we strongly recommend that all projects currently using GA take some time to re-evaluate whether it is still necessary for their needs. If the data provided by GA is no longer useful or necessary, we recommend that projects remove GA from their website and delete their GA property.
If it is determined that the data is still relevant and useful for the project, we recommend that it be migrated to Google Analytics 4 manually. Google has provided a
migration guide for those who need to upgrade.
We believe this is the safest way for projects to confirm that all is well, as we cannot assume that the automatic GA migration will work as expected for everyone. Also, it’s the only way for projects to ensure and test that explicit consent has been given by the user via our cookie consent banner before enabling GA on a webpage.
As a reminder, it’s possible to add our cookie consent banner to any website by adding the following code snippet in the <head></head> section of each page:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" href="http://www.eclipse.org/eclipse.org-common/themes/solstice/public/stylesheets/vendor/cookieconsent/cookieconsent.min.css">www.eclipse.org/eclipse.org-common/themes/solstice/public/stylesheets/vendor/cookieconsent/cookieconsent.min.css" />
<script src="" href="http://www.eclipse.org/eclipse.org-common/themes/solstice/public/_javascript_/vendor/cookieconsent/default.min.js">www.eclipse.org/eclipse.org-common/themes/solstice/public/_javascript_/vendor/cookieconsent/default.min.js"></script>
A project website with GA must ensure that the value of the eclipse_cookieconsent_status cookie is set to “allow” before loading GA on a webpage.
Additionally, we recommend that projects
opt-out from letting GA make any changes to their account. This will ensure that projects have full control over their migration and can manage it in a way that best suits their needs.
If you need any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via
issue #2630 in Helpdesk.
You can also find additional information and requirements around the acceptable usage of GA for Eclipse projects in our
Eclipse Foundation Hosted Services Privacy and Acceptable Usage Policy.
Christopher Guindon
Manager, Web Development | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration
Twitter: @chrisguindon